Who You REALLY Are
A Customizable & Interactive Introductory Intensive
Course Introduction
Welcome! Contained within this course you will find golden nuggets of information. They will appear as additional links on the screen and in the text underneath each video. It is essential for maximum retention that you choose a quiet spot, free of interruptions where you can view the videos. Incorporate the senses whenever possible to aid in the retention processes. This could include playing white noise or motivational music in the background, lighting a candle, using incense or essential oils, and writing down notes.
Note-taking is essential, as there are many exercises you will need to complete on your own outside of the video time. You are the key ingredient to this course. It is customized to particular characteristics of who you are. You will be provided with the resources necessary to unlock your true identity. This will help you to make changes in your life that will allign with you energy and purpose in this lifetime.
Take the class at your own pace. It is recommended that you spend 5 days or longer watching the videos, digesting the content, and applying what you have learned. You can always pause a section and come back to it if needed. Most of the assignments included in this course are optional, but all are highly recommended. There will be no need to turn in an assignment. The only person you need to be accountable to is you.
This course is entirely free. I respectfully ask for your feedback at the end of the course. If you enjoyed it, please, recommend it to others. You are always invited to partake in the weekly podcast 'Own Your Truth', as well as, the life coaching services and additional e-courses available to purchase. It is my desire to always have new content for those you are seeking.
I wish you many blessings on your journey of self discovery!
About the Instructor
Bre is a licensed Minister and Certified Shamanic Life Coach. She is comfortable with the title of Shamanic Priestess. She is of Cherokee descent and feels closest to her ancestors when practicing a Shamanic lifestyle and helping others along their life paths. Bre is also a Certified Herbalist and Master Tea Blender and previous owner of Bahati Tea Company.
Her life path has not always been clear. She attests to it appearing after a lot of trial and error, years of physical and emotional abuse from loved ones and those who raised her, and ailments that prevented her from living a full life at the time. She has been married and divorced twice. She has practiced open and ethical non-monogamy and polyamory and still supports this type of lifestyle. She is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. She has 4 interracial sons who are grown and support themselves, except for the youngest who is completing his senior year in high school.
Now that she is healthy and in alignment with her soul she is able to discern messages from the universe. She is a light reader, natural healer, and empath. She is and always will be an idealist and an underdog advocate. She has been a podcaster of 'Own Your Truth' since 2020. The podcast airs in 25+ countries and can be found on 7 different platforms.
She has also been a guest on other podcasts. Links for the podcasts and interviews can be found on the home page of her website www.humblebre.com.
Course Overview
Day 1: How People See You
Day 2: How You See Yourself
Day 3: How the Universe Sees You (Your Natal Chart, Numerology and You, Lucky Names and Meanings, and Astrocartography)
Day 4: Mirror Exercise
Day 5: Lyric Assignment & Conclusion
Each section requires you to do light and shadow work on yourself. These sections require fully being present and interactive. Stay focused and engaged. Sections can be done one per day or one per week if you feel additional time would be beneficial to your journey.
How People See You
Everything you write down and feel while taking this course is valid. Today's Shamanic Tip - We cleanse and release with the elements of water, fire, air, and earth.
First assignment: Make a list of how people see you.
You are looking for how they behave around you, behave towards you, and speak to you. Look for contest clues. Do people trust you with what is valuable to them? Are you being used? Would you know the difference? How do these people show up for you in your life? Look for similar patterns of behavior in the people interacting with you, as well as, patterns in your feelings and energy.
Take this as an exercise of a person on the outside of your life looking inward. Assess your feelings during this exercise. Are you having an emotional or physical reaction to a person or a situation? Ask yourself why. Can you identify the source of the emotion? If the emotion felt uncomfortable, you will need to address it. Make a list of your feelings and any memories that arise.
After the emotions have been identified you will need to accept them and release them.
Water release technique: Write the emotion or memory you wish to release on a slip of paper. Run it under water or soak it in a bowl of water until the letters can no longer be read.
Fire release technique: Write the emotion or memory you wish you release on a slip of paper. Throw the paper in a fireplace or outdoor firepit and let it burn completely.
Aromatic release technique: Spray the areas of your space where you felt the emotion or memory with essential oil or other aromatic space.
Wind release technique: Turn on a fan in the area where you want new energy. Be mindful of what you are releasing and the new energy you wish to bring in.
Earth release technique: Using healing stones, place the stones on the piece of paper that has the emotion or memory you wish to release. Leave the stone on the paper overnight and bury it in a flower pot or outside the next day.
Bonus Material:
Season 1, Episode 2 of the Own Your Truth podcast "Starting Down the Path of Self Identity"
Season 1, Episode 7 of the Own Your Truth podcast "What Makes a Good Abuse Victim"
Season 1, Episode 8 of the Own Your Truth podcast "Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths, OH MY! And What is a Flying Monkey?"
Season 1, Episode 34 of the Own Your Truth podcast "The Temptation to do Too Much"
How You See Yourself
How you see yourself and how you feel about yourself is critical to your own self-identity. Your past, societal programming, and generational toxicity can all be factors.
Assignment 2: Make a list of your behavior patterns.
Be aware of self-sabotaging moments! Include all habits, both good and bad. This includes how you treat and interact with others. Be brutally honest here, even if you are not proud of your behavior. Include in the list reflections you may have about who you are as a person. Do not include who you would like to be at this time. That will be included in a different lesson.
Bonus Material:
Season 1, Episode 68 of the Own Your Truth podcast "Inadequate and Low Self-Worth
Season 1, Episode 12 of the Own Your Truth podcast "Time for Some Self-Love
Your Natal Chart
Click the "Free Horoscope" tab in the upper left side of the screen.
Scroll down to "Free Natal Chart online calculator".
Enter your birth date, location, and time of birth
If you do not know your time of birth, I recommend pulling two charts; one for noon and one for midnight. This won't be 100% accurate, but analyze the findings from both charts. Decide which attributes are more in alignment with your character and use that as a starting point.
The time of birth determines a person's rising or "ascending". The time you were born can affect this significantly. A rising sign is said to correlate to where you will go in life and who you are meant to become.
Your sun sign is the one most of us know about. It is the zodiac sign for the month and day you were born. This sign is the collection of attributes you display to the world.
Your moon sign is the sign opposite your sun sign on the day you were born. This sign is said to be the characteristic we are more inclined to keep to ourselves.
The chart on the right provides the symbols of planets and constellations. You will also recognize several numbers. These are the degrees in which these planets and constellations were positioned in our solar system.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter are the planets that are usually significant. Remember that not one aspect of your chart should be singled out, but instead look at it as a whole. You are looking for patterns and things that resonate with who you know that you are.
Houses are listed in a random order. Focus on the ones that contain the five major planets or your sun, moon, or rising signs. They will be the most significant.
I recommend printing this chart and highlighting what stands out to you. Take your time and use your discernment here. We will use this information in a later lesson.
If you enjoy this work, you may enjoy researching more into the signs, symbols, and degrees later on.
Numerology and You
Click on the pull down chart that says "Your numerology chart"
Click on "Life path number calculator"
Enter your birthday information and click "Reveal My Life Path"
Numbers in numerology are reduced to a single digit. Instead of twelve (12) having a value of twelve, the one and two are added together to equal three. 12 = 1 + 2 = 3.
Zero has no value. Example: 102 = 1 + 2 = 3.
Single digits each have a specific meaning, as does 11, 22, and 33. These double digit numbers have their own meanings and are called Master Numbers.
After you know your life path number you can do a google search on it's meaing or you can use the website from the last video, Astro-seek.com. Use more than one resource and document your findings.
If you want additional information on your complete numerology chart, you can pull the findings from the other calculations on the "Your numerology chart" pull down menu.
Lucky Names & Name Meanings
This video contains two parts. The first part shows you how to find out if your name is lucky. This will be of most interest to people who have always struggled with their name or people who have had more than one name in this life. You can even use the calculator to help you pick a different name or spelling of a name to make it more fortunate.
The second part of this video will show you how to find the meaning of your name and why it is significant.
Part 1
Click on the button with the 3, 2, and 1 on it called "Lucky Name Numerology by destiny, dream and soul urge.
Type in your full name unless their is part of your name that you don't use, along with your birthday. Scroll down the page to see the results. You will see your life path number and several other numbers in your numerology chart. You will also see compatibility numbers. This has to do with your birthday and your name and then your life path number with your name. A low compatibility means the name is unlucky.
Each letter of your name has a very specific number. Changing the spelling of a name will change the compatibility levels, hence how lucky it is.
On this site you can even check if a business name is lucky. There are also a few interesting articles on the site.
Part 2
Names are incredibly important. They are the first 'label' we are given as children and they can sculpt our personalities throughout our development.
In a website browser, type in your name and put the word 'meaning' after it and hit enter. Look at a couple of websites to find definitions and sources of your name.
Type in your first or middle name
I found this to be a lot of fun, but also there were some very informative facts on the site. Enjoy.
Don't forget to record what you find that you think is significant! We will use it later.
Click on the three lines indicating the menu at the top left
Click Free Horoscopes
Click Location Astrology
Click Astro-Click Travel
You will see a notification that states this is a safe site
Enter name, birthday, location at birth, and time of day
To the right you will find a description on how to use the map. You can click on points, intersections, and lines to get descriptions on what each means. Click on one of these and read the description of each to the right to find out how each location relates to you. You will also see symbols and abreviations. Click on each one to learn more.
You will see that some places on the map will teach you life lessons, while others will help you to find your life path or tribe, yet others may be a place of peace to retire in. Have fun with the chart! Take notes! This might give you great insight on where to travel and which places to avoid.
Mirror Exercise
Part 1
Time to put together everything that we have found out about ourselves!
Now is the time to compile the lists you have created all of the previous lessons. You may find it best to highlight what is most important or make a new, cleaner list from the original notes.
What you are doing in this exercise is deciding which attributes you would like to bring into your future "YOU". Everything else you will discard. Spend time analyzing your lists. What stood out and why? Honor your true self by eliminated any 'programming' left over from societal views, or generational toxicity.
Once you have done this step the next step is to view yourself in a mirror. Look for the part of you that has been subdued or silenced. You will find this pathway by viewing into your own eyes. This can be a very emotional step. Try to maintain eye contact. This is the time to have a heart-to-heart conversation with yourself about truths of your past and who you used to be. You may have to give this exercise several attempts to accomplish what you want. This is the shadow work. We honor and let go of everything we are leaving behind in order to do the light work which comes next. It is ok to apologize for not knowing any better when you were younger. That is okay.
Part 2
It is easier for us to forgive a stranger than it is to forgive ourselves. No matter where we go in our lives we will always be there with ourselves. We are in a life-long relationship with ourselves.
You are having a one-on-one conversation with yourself about everything in your life that has led you to where you are now: the good, the bad, and the indifferent. You also want to address how you would like things to be in your life and the changes you want to see.
To be your true authentic self, you have to bring your inner truths and how you portray yourself to the world into alignment. This exercise helps us to find out what is authentic to us and what is a facade. You can not cut corners here and there is no quick fix. Hard work is required here.
Your final assignment is to create a list of who you are becoming from this moment forward. Include the conscientious actions you are taking going forward. The list is called "Whom Do I Want To Be". If there are no restrictions and no limitations and no societal influences, who do you want to become? What does the future you look like? This list can include the attributes you want to have, the circle of friends you want to have, the career or adventure you want to discover. Use your expertise from your past and the lists that unlock the keys to who you can become. Have fun with this. The list is holistic, so it can include every aspect of your life.
Lyric Assignment
Take your favorite song, with the lyrics. You are taking each line and counting the syllables. From there you are creating your own lyrics about yourself, using the same syllable pattern. If you can find a karaoke version of your sign it is easier.
The song I picked is 'Why Don't You Do Right?" by Peggy Lee which you can find on YouTube.
I found it best to sing the song as if I were speaking to another version of myself. A pep talk, of sorts. Try to make the song positive and uplifting and just about you. Take the challenge! You might learn something you didn't know about yourself.
Thank you for taking the free course on "Who You REALLY Are".
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If you would like to book Briana for a speaking engagement or workshop, please send an email to humblebre@gmail.com.
Listen to the Own Your Truth Podcast
Where to Listen:
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/briana-johnson76
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7IGpO4aVhwchAWtVOC8Nco
​PocketCasts: https://pca.st/p6njyjb0
RadioPublic: ​ https://radiopublic.com/own-your-truth-6rDjXK
​Breaker: ​ https://www.breaker.audio/own-your-truth
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/own-your-truth/id1515998818