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Available Courses

Who You REALLY Are - A Free E-Course

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Click on the icon for more information and to sign up.


This is a free course and a prerequisite to all future e-courses. It provides invaluable information about who you really are pulling in the information you gather from the universe, your surroundings, and yourself. Peel back the layers and drop the chameleon version of yourself to undress your true and authentic self.


This course covers shadow and light work, as well as, elemental cleansing practices. ​Customizable to each individual student and specific to who YOU are!


Take the course as quickly or slowly as you desire. Pick our own pace!


The course includes nearly 3 hours of video instruction, insightful assignments, and bonus material. Open your Mind and take the plunge!

Corporate Culture Challenge
A Course Designed for Companies

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This Course is broken down into 4 Character-Development Topics:


  1. Acceptance & Inclusion

  2. Stress & Anxiety Management

  3. Effective & Acceptable Communication

  4. Team Building 


Choose a package that works best for your Corporation:


  1. Full-day Intensive Course - consists of one full, 8-hour day and covers all 4 Topics

  2. 1 Week Intensive Course - consists of 1 hour each day for one week.

  3. 1 Month Immersive Course - Each course topic is covered one day a week for 4 weeks. One-on-one consultations are conducted with members of your team throughout the month. A Company Progress report is provided after the completion of the course.


Click on the icon for pricing and additional information.

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